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Solmeta GPS Tagger
Pretty amazing, a package sent from China via DHL on Monday.
Arrived this morning.
After unpacking and reading the not too good english manual, but much better than most.

I attached it to my Nikon. Simple, straight forward.

Iv attached a couple of geo-tagged images with the addition of compass bearing! "READ MORE"


G. R.


Je suis très satisfait de mon nouveau Solmeta N3
"Je suis très satisfait de mon nouveau Solmeta N3, tout comme mon précédant Solmeta N2, son point fort est réellement la rapidité avec laquelle il acquiert plus de 3 satellites lors d'un démarrage à froid.
Je dois avouer que j'etais un peu réticent a l'idée de ne plus avoir d'interrupteur pour éteindre le N3  et de le laisser utiliser les batteries de l'appareil pour un scan rapide même lorsque le boitier est eteint. Au final, cela est une vrai amélioration. Par le passé, j'ai souvent oublié d'allumé le GPS et l'ai démarré trop tard ce qui me donnait du travail manuel en plus pour certaines images par la suite. J'utilise le bloc batterie additionnel sur mon Nikon D700 et je n'ai observé de ce fait aucun problème de consommation. De fait, cette solution est meilleure pour moi car je n'ai plus besoin non plus de penser à recharger le GPS de temps en temps.
L'autre amélioration est le cable qui est désormais plus sur au niveau du connecteur sur le GPS. Je n'ai jamais eu de problème avec le N2 mais j’étais parfois inquiet pour le très petit connecteur sur le boitier GPS car je le connectais et déconnectais souvent (en rangeant le boitier).
De plus, lors de photo au flash (type Cobra SB-900), ce n'etait pas pratique d'avoir el GPS sur le coté et plus important, je perdais l'information d'angle de prise de vue. Maintenant, avec le cordon extensible, je vais pouvoir mettre l GPS sur le dessus du Flash.
Enfin, je suis content que le boitier soit resté compact et j'apprécie la qualité des details comme le petit sac de protection bien concu pour ranger le GPS non utilisé.
Pour moi, le N3 a vraiment amélioré la plupart des points qui me manquait avec le N2 meme si celui-ci me rendait deja de bon service. J'utilise désormais plus l'information de l'angle de prise de vue que j'affiche graphiquement grace au freeware geosetter. Ce point (apres calibration) marche très bien. Le seul point qui me manque est un angle correct pour les prises de vues verticales qui ont une erreur constante de 90 degree."
Marc Pélissier
I really like the compact size

" I really like the compact size, which is smaller than the Geotagger Pro, possibly due to the lack of LCD. It means I can keep it on the hotshoe for most the time, unless I use a flash and it will not be in the way too much. Its also a little lighter, which is always welcome and I like the addition of a socket for the supplied remote shutter control. The cable that connects to the camera is part of the unit, which is a bi improvement over the previous way the Geotagger Pro used a socket, that was prone to be damaged or broken if the cable was pulled/pushed the wrong direction." READ MORE


Olli Geibel


I am very pleased with the new Solmeta N3, like my previous Solmeta N2

"I'm very pleased with the new Solmeta N3, like my previous Solmeta N2, the key point is really how fast the device is quickly getting more than 3 satellites when activated from cold start.
I have to say that I was a bit reluctant to the idea of having no more switch off on the N3 and have it use the Camera battery for quick scan even with the camera off. In the end, it proves to be a real enhancement.
In the past, I often forgot to switch on the GPS and started it too late which gave me some manual work for some images afterwards. I'm using a battery pack on my Nikon D700 so I couldn't notice any battery issue and therefore the solution is better for me now as I do not have to think about recharging the gps from time to time. The other improvement is the cable connectivity as it is now safer with the cable provided. I never had issue with the N2 but was always worried by the very small connector on the GPS box as I had to connect and disconnect it often.
Moreover, when doing photo with a flash, it was not practical to get the GPS along and more important, I was loosing the camera angle. Now with the extensive cord, I will be able to put the GPS on top of the Flash.
Finally, I'm glad that the equipment size was kept very compact and appreciated the quality details such as a nice and well designed little bag to store the GPS when not used.
To me the N3, did  really improved my previous N2 on the aspect I was missing even if the N2 was already providing good service to me."



The Geotagger N3 is absolutely brilliant

"The Geotagger N3 is absolutely brilliant, and my only regret is that I wasted time and money with other devices before finding Solmeta.  I have another logging device that supposedly uses the same MTK GPS chipset, but the Geotagger N3 is far faster to acquire, even when cold-started.  I was surprised to discover that a shutter release was included, and was also surprised by how quickly the package arrived.

Your product is clearly superior to the competition.  I think your company would benefit significantly from wider U.S. distribution."



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